Mineral Oils for the Oil Cleansing Magic

So you’ve read up on the Oil Cleansing Method (OCM) and want to take the plunge but don’t know where to get Mineral Oil? Well lucky for you I’ve written this post 😄 Zen Natural Pure White Mineral Oil According to the label Zen Nature Pure Baby Oil contains Pure White Mineral Oil . The label also proclaims that this product is Paraben Free if that is a concern to you. I picked up this bottle at Utama Grand for about BND 8 for 410ml . I currently only do OCM twice a week as a pre-shave routine so this bottle is going to last me quite a while. The label also advertises PriceAbuse.com which is a Malysian online retail website. Unfortunately they currently do not have any shipping options to Brunei. Hopefully that will change in the future. Johnson’s Baby Oil And if we’re talking about Mineral Oils we can’t leave out the old classic Johnson’s Baby Oil . Johnson & Johnson’s products are pretty much every where in Brunei so picking up a bottle of this won’t ...